“Arraying and Guest Inclusion of Soluble Metal-Organic Nanotubes Composed of Macrocyclic Paddle-Wheel Metal Complexes“
S. Kawano, A. Sasaki, K. Tanaka*,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., in press.
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“Efficient Catalytic Direct C–H Hydroxylation of Benzene by Graphite-Supported µ-Nitrido-Bridged Iron Phthalocyanine Dimer“
Y. Yamada*, Y. Uno, C.-M. Teoh, H. Ohkita, Y. Toyoda, A. Sakata, Y. Hitomi, and K. Tanaka*
Catal. Sci. Technol., 14, 4854–4859 (2024).
“Effect of Porphyrin Ligands on the Catalytic CH4 Oxidation Activity of Monocationic μ-Nitrido-Bridged Iron Porphyrinoid Dimers by Using H2O2 as An Oxidant“
Y. Yamada*, Y. Miwa, Y. Toyoda, Y. Uno, Q. M. Phung, and K. Tanaka*
Dalton Trans., 53, 6556-6567 (2024).(Selected as Hot Paper)

“Inorganic–Organic Framework Constructed by the Intercalation of a Double-Decker Porphyrin Metal Complex into Clay Nanosheets and Its Efficient Dye Adsorption Ability“
Y. Yamada*, T. Nishino, A. Hashimoto, Y. Toyoda, H. Yoshikawa, and K. Tanaka*
ACS Appl. Opt. Mater., 2, 405-413 (2024).
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“Continuous Nanospace in Nanoporous Liquid Crystal Investigated by 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy“
S. Kawano, H. Yoshimizu, K. Tanaka*,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 63, e202316523 (2024).
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名古屋大学 プレスリリース [Link]

“Calamitic Liquid Crystals for Reversible Light-modulated Phase Regulation based on Arylazopyrazole Photoswitches“
H. Q. Trân, S. Kawano, R. E. Thielemann, K. Tanaka, B. J. Ravoo*,
Chem. Eur. J., 30, e202302958, (2024).
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